I want to do a google survey in addition to my interviews, just to get more responses, in variety and diversity.
NYU Aging Incubator can translate it into Spanish and help me spread out both the forms (in English and Spanish). I will translate to Mandarin and use my personal resources to spread out in the Chinese community.
Survey Question (Draft #1):
first, include a description of who I am, and introduction & why I'm doing this.
ask for some demographic info (age, gender. location, etc).
1. When you are at home, which activity do you spend the most of time doing?
2. How often do you feel bored, want to do something but don't know what to do? 
3. How often do you feel lonely and want someone to talk with (or just spend time with doing whatever)?
4. How many technology products you use at home, what are they?
5. Do you think technology can improve your convenience or brings you joy at home?
6. Are there any parts of your daily life that you're unsatisfied with? How do you want them to be better?
7. How often do you feel anxious? Does using new technologies make you more anxious?
Finally, ask for phone number and contacts if they are open to more conversation.
Test out this survey (friends, classmates, family) before sending it out officially.
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